
I'm a software engineer based in San Francisco with +10 years of experience in the software industry. My focus area for the past few years has been back-end development with Python, but I'm also skilled in front-end development with Javascript w TypeScript.

✍🏽 Experience

Senior Software Engineer

Yupana Inc | San Francisco, USA - (Feb 2020 - Present)

  • Developed a scalable, cloud-based SaaS solution for the trade fair sector, leveraging Python, Django, and PostgreSQL.

  • I worked in the software solutions department as a full-stack developer. My responsibilities included maintaining and enhancing legacy projects.

  • Dockerized projects and deployed to the company cloud infrastructure, ensuring efficient and scalable deployment processes.

  • Developed microservices using Python and Django, improving the overall architecture and performance of the applications.

  • I created user-friendly UI tools using React.js with TypeScript. This enhanced the user experience and streamlined workflows.

  • Achieved a significant performance improvement of 500% in TSG monitoring by migrating loaded UI contents to the backend and implementing an efficient REST API with Redis cache.

  • Led a small team in delivering data visualization tools, contributing to the acquisition of Rogers, Canada's biggest telecom company, as a new client.

Software Engineering Team Lead

Medya A.S. | Istanbul, Turkey - (Jan 2019 - Jul 2019)

  • Worked with one of the subcontractors of Medya AS, an Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality affiliate company.

  • Managed two teams responsible for developing apps on the AppStore, Android, and web platforms for one of the biggest beverage companies in Turkey.

  • Created a water distribution system from scratch for the well-established company, which had millions of customers.

  • Designed the architecture and led different teams using Scrum methodology to develop the entire project, including both back-end and front-end components.

Founder, CTO

Popilicity | Warwick, UK - (Feb 2017 - Dec 2018)

  • Co-founded and served as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Popilicity, a mobile application focused on content popularity.

  • Successfully developed and launched a social network platform that gained recognition in the industry.

  • Secured seed funding from investors in the UK, validating the potential of the project.

  • Led the technical development of the platform, utilizing Python Django Rest Framework for the backend (API) and React Native framework for the mobile app.

  • Collaborated with my partner, who handled management issues, to ensure the overall success and growth of the company.

Software Developer

Yupana Inc | San Francisco, USA - (Jul 2014 - Jan 2017)

  • Worked on web applications, focusing on automating repetitive tasks performed by the IT network infrastructure team and datacenter environments.

  • Developed Python APIs utilizing Django and various tools such as Celery and Redis.

  • Documented and provided training on the solutions implemented.

  • Played a key role in creating Yupana's leading product and participated in infrastructure design.

  • Developed YuCube, a tool that reduces the base station integration process time from 4 hours to less than 40 minutes.

  • Transitioned from relying on field engineers to mobile user dependency, resulting in a 3:1 decrease in integration costs and a 15-fold increase in operational capacity.

👨🏻‍💻 Skills

  • Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript

  • Web Development: Django, Django Rest Framework (DRF), React.js

  • Agile Methodologies: Scrum

  • Cloud Technologies: AWS (Amazon Web Services), Azure, EC2, S3, Lambda, CloudFront

  • DevOps and CI/CD: Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes

  • Version Control: Git, GitHub, Bitbucket

  • Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, ElasticSearch

  • Testing and Quality Assurance: Selenium, Puppeteer

  • Containerization: Docker

📚 Education

  • Certification - AI & Machine Learning

    California Institute of Technology | Los Angeles, USA - (2023 - Present)

  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Engineering

    Istanbul University | Istanbul, TURKEY - (2008 - 2013)